Shy Girl
~~Music is Here!~~

No, Thank You - Mio Akiyama

Sweet Owner!

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Entry About Linkies Stuff


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Sincere !

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Template By : Ainna Zieyha
Basecodes By : Liyana Aina
Edit By : AzuNyan
Re-edit By : Nur Aida II
Big Help : M I O
Image Header: Clavies
jgn bng0nkn aq... -_-
Sunday, June 12, 2011 | 1:21 AM | 0 comments
salam sume...
layammm ea sume...
c0ey dlm bse english.....  <3

It's gonna be another day with sunshines,
the sunshine shinesthrough the window,
the eyes is getting woke slowly,
I see you greet me with your smile...
Kissing on the cheeks...
Accompany me with your love...
Drinking morning cofee with messy hair...
Who can tell me this is not a dream?

It's gonna be another day with sunshines,
the sunshine shinesthrough the window,
the eyes is getting woke slowly,
I see you greet me with your smile...
When we can get together I feel paradise..
This a paradise of hapiness..
Music that full of love, and now I am protected by you.

Ordinary name..
My name is never gonna get attraction
Because of your way of calling
I start to love my name

It's gonna be another day with sunshines,
It's you turn me into a star,
so please be always beside me
I will say I love you to you

When we can get together I feel paradise..
just like Cinderella and the prince,
they lived happily ever after...
Is your heart that makes me believe in love...
This is the happiness that everyone wants..
So please don't wake me up.
Don't break it, let the love comes true